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Texasball last won the day on September 6

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  1. Here is what anyone needs to know. The list to the top of Texas from Anna and Melissa is pretty damn long. Meanwhile they played so called elite teams from TN and Arkansas and had opportunity to win. Nothing to see here except TX depth. I doubt very seriously that either of these teams win their district
  2. Action sports has it like this. TX- 211 CA- 151 Fl- 149
  3. Because everyone with any knowledge knows that BC and CC are not really T-15 teams in this country. BC loses 1 game each year it seems! They just doing good to beat teams like DBP that can’t even match up with Edgewater
  4. GSB and all the bogus polls do more for BC than they can do for themselves. Hell fire, Creekside GA beat St. Peter’s NJ at the basic same level as did BC last year.
  5. Bogus 1 team already beat them that’s not nearly as talented as the ones you are talking about.
  6. We found that only 1 starter did not play from game 1 to game 2 #9 CB both games are available on NFHS network
  7. More proof of polls being bogus! Your type have historically over ranked the privates from Ohio to NJ. Broken Arrow (7-4) beat Bentonville 34-0 the very next week BC was in dog fight vs Bentonville Just more proof that all the national rankings are 110% Bogus! Too many teams and way too many agendas to get it close to right. At best BC is maybe in the 30s nationally! At best!!!!
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